Learn the Basics of Commercial Blackberry Production

Arkansas Blackberry SchoolHorticulture extension specialists at the University of Arkansas, Dr. Amanda McWhirt and Dr. Jackie Lee, conducted a Blackberry School in Arkansas through the early part of 2017. Recordings from these events were used to hold live webinars to train county agents in the fall of 2017. Funding was provided by the SRSFC for this training. The course consists of four classes timed to match the four seasons of the year. Each class is made up of 3-4 short talks that focus on the activities and best-management practices that should be conducted in blackberry production during that season. Follow along with the 13 recorded talks to learn how to successfully start, and manage a commercial blackberry operation in the Southeastern United States.


Additional Resources:

Fall Class (Webinar held November 16, 2017)

Interactive Fruit Budgets – Leah English and Jennie Popp

Class Handout

Produce Safety – Amanda Perez

Class Handout

Weed Management in Blackberry – Nilda Burgos

Class Handout

Soil and Plant Tissue Nutrient Sampling of Blackberry – A. McWhirt

Class Handout

How To: Identifying Anthracnose in Blackberry

Summer Class (Webinar held November 9, 2017)

High Tunnel Blackberry Production – Elena Garcia

Class Handout

Consumer Preferences and Postharvest Handling – Renee Threlfall

Class Handout

Summer Tipping, Fruit Disorders and Irrigation of Blackberry – Amanda McWhirt

Class Handout

How To: Early Summer Pruning of Floricane Blackberries

Spring Class (Webinar held November 2, 2017)

Fertility Management and Trellising of Blackberry – Amanda McWhirt

Class Handout

Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) and Broad mite Control – Donn Johnson

Class Handout

Pesky Pests Spring – Jackie Lee

Class Handout

How To: Spotted Wing Drosophila ID and Trapping in Blackberry

Winter Class (Webinar held October 26, 2017)

Basics of Blackberry Production – Amanda McWhirt

Class Handout

Blackberry Varieties – John Clark

Class Handout

Pesky Pests of Blackberry – Jackie Lee

Class Handout

How To:  Winter Pruning of Floricane Blackberries with Taunya Ernst

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