Authors: Amanda McWhirt and Bill Cline
A Virtual Blueberry School was conducted in 2019 covering the major aspects of blueberry production in the Southeastern U.S. The school consisted of a series of live grower workshops in May, June and September in Arkansas and a four-part weekly webinar series offered exclusively to county extension agents in November.
Talks and recorded content from the live meetings formed the basis for the webinars. Topics included site selection and soils; establishment, cultivars, plant development and physiology; disease, insect and weed control; drip and overhead irrigation; freeze protection, pruning, harvest, food safety, and budgets for large and small farms.
Presentations are available for viewing on YouTube, at the SRSFC website, and at University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension (Arkansas Blueberry School) and North Carolina State University (NCSU) blueberry portals.