Online Resources
- IPM/Production Guides
- Integrated Pest Management – UGA Extension
- U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC)

Production Information
- Blueberry Cultivars for Georgia (PDF)
- Blueberry Fertilization in Soil (PDF)
- Blueberry Mulching Revisited (PDF)
- Blueberry Propagation Suggestions (PDF)
- Blueberry Pruning Video
- Blueberry Variety Releases from The University of Georgia (PDF)
- Calendar for High Density Southern Highbush Blueberry Production in Pine Bark Beds (PDF)
- Contribution of Health Attributes, Research Investment and Innovation to Developments in the Blueberry Industry: A Canada-US Comparison (PDF)
- Economic Analysis of Producing Southern Highbush Blueberries in Soil in Georgia (PDF)
- Estimated Cost and Economics for Rabbiteye Blueberries in Georgia (PDF)
- NABC Position on Transgenic Plants or GMO’s (PDF)
- New Rabbiteye Blueberry Varieties From The University of Georgia (PDF)
- New Southern Highbush Blueberry Varieties From The University of Georgia (PDF)
- Suggestions for Organic Blueberry Production in Georgia (PDF)