We cordially invite you to the 10th North American Strawberry Symposium (NASS), a meeting of strawberry growers, researchers, and other industry members from around the globe, to be held in conjunction with the annual North American Strawberry Growers Association (NASGA) conference, March 7-10, 2023, in San Luis Obispo, CA, where nearly 90% of U.S. strawberries are grown.
The Symposium will include two and a half days of workshops, reception, research presentations, marketing presentations, poster sessions, and an award luncheon, and will be followed by a post-conference tour on March 10, which will encompass strawberry production in the region as well as the research, training and testing facilities at the CalPoly Strawberry Center.
Subject areas include Global and North American Overviews, Breeding, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Disease and Pest Management, Propagation and Nursery Management, Cultural Practices, Indoor Production, Precision Agriculture, Robotics, Automation, Plant Nutrition and Water Management, Plant Physiology, Economics of Production Practices, Post-Harvest Quality Management, and Food Safety.
We encourage the submission of journal articles of the presented work to be published in a special issue in International J. Fruit Science. To help us plan the program, please submit presentation titles as soon as possible and before November 1, 2022, indicating whether your presentation will be oral or a poster, to Kim.Lewers@usda.gov.
Workshop topics under consideration include Disease Management, Nursery Developments, Entomology, Strawberry Breeding Tools and Tips, Production Management/Plant Physiology, Getting Started with Automation/Precision Agriculture, Indoor Production, Methyl Bromide Alternatives, and Novel Weed Management Approaches.
Look for a mail-in registration form and more program details (abstract deadlines, keynote speakers, etc.) and opportunities for industry, organization, and agency sponsorship on the NASGA website. Online registration will become available in September 2022.