Darcy Kochis, Executive Director, North American Raspberry and Blackberry Association

The North American Raspberry & Blackberry Association (NARBA) will be gathering in person for their annual meeting to be held January 22-24, 2023 in Tampa, Florida. After two years of virtual conferences due to Covid-19, the group will move the conference to the Sunshine State for the first time. The event will be held at the Hotel Alba Tampa.

Conference sessions will feature top experts and experienced growers. Topics include caneberry breeding and varieties, pest and disease management, production research, new technology and industry updates, new grower resources, and marketing.  Over 50 speakers from around the world are included in the multi-track format. Time for Q&A and networking will be part of all sessions.

Attendees will have the opportunity to register for the conference tour which will include field and nursery visits for an up-close look at the emerging raspberry and blackberry industry in Florida and a visit to the University of Florida Gulf Coast Research Center to learn about advances in berry research. The tour will include dinner, networking with speakers and views of the beauty of the Florida Gulf Coast.

Registration for the conference, tour and the hotel block will open in August of 2022 and a detailed listing of speakers and courses will be posted in September 2022 on 2023 NARBA Conference website. Early registration is recommended to ensure attendees have first choice for desired room types and sessions.

The North American Raspberry & Blackberry Association is a membership association of growers large and small, researchers, suppliers, and others in the caneberry industry.

For further information and updates about the 2023 NARBA annual conference, please contact Darcy Kochis.
