Small Fruit News
The Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium posts articles and sends the SMALL FRUIT NEWS to subscribers four times annually.
Compiled from IR-4 personnel and NCSU CALS News (July 26, 2019) After more than 55 years at Rutgers University, the IR-4 Program will be moving its headquarters to NC State University over the next two years. A recent agreement between IR-4 and NCSU became effective on October 1, 2019, allowing for the first few employees…
Posted in: Fall 2019 -
The 2019 Blackberry Field Day will be held Friday, September 13, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center, 455 Research Drive, Mills River, N.C. Sponsored by the NC Commercial Blackberry and Raspberry Growers Association, participants can take part in field tours, complimentary lunch, research updates, equipment…
Posted in: Summer 2019 -
This past annual hill plasticulture season in the Southeast was quite rough, characterized by a late start to the season, high disease pressure, often lower yields and an unfavorable berry market, facing low prices due to competition. While not every grower experienced all four of those factors, we rarely found a farm which was not…
Posted in: Summer 2019 -
[card title=”UGA Extension Viticulture Blog”] For timely updates on vineyard and pest management, and information on workshops and conferences, please subscribe to the UGA Extension Viticulture Blog. [/card] Veraison is the transitional period of grape development when grapes begin to soften, and sugars and secondary flavor, color, and aroma compounds begin to accumulate. Grapes are…
Posted in: Summer 2019 -
Compiled by Mark Hoffmann, Small Fruits Extension Specialist, NC State University, Raleigh NC; and Barclay Poling, Prof. and Extension Specialist (retired), NC State University, Raleigh NC Summer: After season to pre-plant 2019 The most important strawberry chores for the summer are: removing plastic and old planting material, order your plants, and of course: pre-plant preparations.…
Posted in: Summer 2019 -
Compiled by Mark Hoffmann, Small Fruits Extension Specialist, NC State University, Raleigh JUNE – SEPTEMBER (Post-fruit Set – Veraison – Harvest) The main muscadine chores for this summer are: canopy management, weed management, disease and insect control and frequent scouting of your vineyard (minimum once a week) for insect, disease and environmental problems. Canopy Management:…
Posted in: Summer 2019 -
[card title=”Upcoming Meeting”] A field day sponsored by the NC Commerical Blackberry and Raspberry Association will be held at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center on Friday, September 13, 2019. For more information contact [/card] This list was developed by Dr. Gina Fernandez, Small Fruit Specialist at NC State University. Chores and…
Posted in: Summer 2019 -
Learn the Basics of Commercial Blackberry Production Horticulture extension specialists at the University of Arkansas, Dr. Amanda McWhirt and Dr. Jackie Lee, conducted a Blackberry School in Arkansas through the early part of 2017. Recordings from these events were used to hold live webinars to train county agents in the fall of 2017. Funding was…
Posted in: Fall 2019